Conceptual Metaphor Theory

O percurso sócio-cognitivo das recategorizações metafóricas

Reference / Conceptual Metaphor Theory / Pentecostal Theology / Categorization / Neo-Pentecostalism / Metafora / Neopentecostalismo / Metafora / Neopentecostalismo

A conceptualização do TEMPO: alguns exemplos de língua portuguesa [trabalho apresentado a estudantes de graduação]

Conceptual Metaphor Theory / Cognitive Linguistics / Portuguese Language / Portuguese Linguistics / Conceptualization of TIME

A Metaparadigm or Sharable Framework ­ (Cognitive Panorama) 

Democracy and Cyber-Democracy Theory and Practice / Translation Studies / Cyberpsychology / Multimedia / Metadata / Conceptual Metaphor / Heat Transfer / Transformational Leadership / Conceptual Metaphor Theory / Metaphor / Hyperreality / Hypertext theory / Hyperspectral remote sensing / Cyber crime / Multimodality / Cybercultures / Translation / Cyberspace / Literary translation / Cyber Security / Transparency Market Research / Conceptual Metaphor / Heat Transfer / Transformational Leadership / Conceptual Metaphor Theory / Metaphor / Hyperreality / Hypertext theory / Hyperspectral remote sensing / Cyber crime / Multimodality / Cybercultures / Translation / Cyberspace / Literary translation / Cyber Security / Transparency Market Research

Convergências entre a Análise Crítica do Discurso e a Linguística Cognitiva: Integração Conceptual, Metáfora e Dinâmica de Forças

Cognitive Semantics / Conceptual Metaphor / Conceptual Metaphor Theory / Critical Discourse Analysis / Cognitive Linguistics

Metáforas e imagens grotescas no Cristianismo Primitivo. 1º semestre de 2016, quintas-feiras 16h15-18h45,

The Grotesque Body / Semiotics of Religion / Conceptual Metaphor Theory / Monsters and Monster Theory / Semiotics of Religious Discourse

O poder cognitivo da metáfora e da metonímia

Conceptual Metaphor / Conceptual Metaphor Theory / Metaphor / Cognitive Linguistics / Conceptual metonymy / Metonymy / Metaphor and Metonymy / Metonymy / Metaphor and Metonymy

O que sabemos sobre a crise económica pela metáfora. Conceptualizações metafóricas da crise na imprensa portuguesa

Portuguese / Crisis communication and management / Conceptual Metaphor Theory / Metaphor / Financial Crisis of 2008/2009 / Global Financial Crisis / Economic Crisis / Global Financial Crisis / Economic Crisis


Conceptual Metaphor Theory / Dengue fever / Multimodal metaphor

CONCEPTOS TRANSATLÁNTICOS Nuevos retos y enfoques históricos para Iberconceptos

Latin American Studies / Latin American and Caribbean History / Conceptual Metaphor / Conceptual change / History of concepts / Conceptual Metaphor Theory / Latin American History / 19th Century Mexican History / 19th Century Mexico / 19th Century (History) / Concepts / Conceptual History / Colonial Latin American History / Latin America / Historia Política y Social Siglos XVIII-XIX / Historia política y social siglos XIX y XX / Siglo XIX / América Latina / Relaciones Iglesia Estado en Guatemala (Siglo XIX). / HISTORIA ARGENTINA SIGLO XIX / Procesos de construcción nacional en Iberoamérica. Siglos XIX y XX / Relaciones México-España. Siglos XIX y XX / Historia Política siglos XIX y XX. Historia de la Violencia en Colombia / Historia de Colombia siglo XIX. / Historia siglo XIX Colombiano / Século XIX / Colombia Siglo XIX / Conceptual Metaphor Theory / Latin American History / 19th Century Mexican History / 19th Century Mexico / 19th Century (History) / Concepts / Conceptual History / Colonial Latin American History / Latin America / Historia Política y Social Siglos XVIII-XIX / Historia política y social siglos XIX y XX / Siglo XIX / América Latina / Relaciones Iglesia Estado en Guatemala (Siglo XIX). / HISTORIA ARGENTINA SIGLO XIX / Procesos de construcción nacional en Iberoamérica. Siglos XIX y XX / Relaciones México-España. Siglos XIX y XX / Historia Política siglos XIX y XX. Historia de la Violencia en Colombia / Historia de Colombia siglo XIX. / Historia siglo XIX Colombiano / Século XIX / Colombia Siglo XIX

O papel da metáfora na relação entre sentenças possessivas e existenciais

Conceptual Metaphor / Conceptual Metaphor Theory / Metaphor / Cognitive Linguistics / Cognitive Grammar / Metonymy / Metaphor and Metonymy / Conceptual Blending / Metafora / Metáfora / Gramatica Cognitiva / Conceptual Blending Theory / Lingüística Cognitiva / Teoria Das Metáforas Conceptuais. / Metonimia / Linguistica Cognitiva / Metonymy / Metaphor and Metonymy / Conceptual Blending / Metafora / Metáfora / Gramatica Cognitiva / Conceptual Blending Theory / Lingüística Cognitiva / Teoria Das Metáforas Conceptuais. / Metonimia / Linguistica Cognitiva

Innate and cultural spatial time: a developmental perspective

Neuroscience / Developmental Psychology / Mental Representation / Conceptual Metaphor / Representations / Conceptual Metaphor Theory / Mental Representation and Content / Brain and Cognitive Development / Cognitive Neuroscience / Time Perception / Space / Representation / Developmental neuropsychology / Mental Number Line / Psychology and Neursocience / Time Line / Generalized Magnitude System / Linear Time / Spatial map of time / mental time line / metaphorical concepts / Conceptual Metaphor Theory / Mental Representation and Content / Brain and Cognitive Development / Cognitive Neuroscience / Time Perception / Space / Representation / Developmental neuropsychology / Mental Number Line / Psychology and Neursocience / Time Line / Generalized Magnitude System / Linear Time / Spatial map of time / mental time line / metaphorical concepts
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